木頭紋路用在設計裡, 用得好的話可是能大大提升作品的整體質感喔! 這邊收集了一些素材, 有高解析度照片或是用photoshop製做木紋的教學, 都可以免費下載喲!




來源: Free High Resolution Wood Textures

Wood Textures for Illustrator

High Resolution Wood Textures

Keep Designing - 90 Free Wood Grain High Resolution Textures


Wood Textures Illustrator Tutorials

I came across these illustrator tutorials by accident, but they are some of the best I’ve seen for creating textures. Kudos. Enjoy.

Vectips is a site for Adobe Illustrator tips, tricks, and tutorials created by Ryan Putnam. Whether you are a seasoned illustrator or just starting out, Vectips can lend you a hand.

iStockdiary Woodgrain Tutorial

This was an interesting post because this tutorial uses Illustrator’s Twirl and Warp tools. It is very easy to do and almost any level of Adobe user could easily finish take a stab and create a great library of simple woodtextures.


來源: 28 High Resolution Wood Textures For Designers

Once in a while, you may want to try a different approach in design. If the concept/idea is green or nature related, wood elements can fit in pretty nice and they are fundamentally suitable. In this article, we attempt to showcase you 28 High Resolution Wood Textures designers can take full advantage of. Unable to create realistic wood texture from scratch in Photoshop is no longer an obstacle.

Note: Some of these textures have limited rights. That means they are not allowed for commercial usage. We urge that you check the rights before using them for business purposes.

Full list after jump.


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